Omnihedron Games Blog

Gaming Sharpe: Sharpe’s Eagles

Summary Sharpe finds himself attached to the South Essex and their idiot Colonel Simmerson, flanked by his cronies Berry and Gibbons. Simmerson is desperate to prove himself and orders a suicidal mission which loses...

Gaming Sharpe: Sharpe’s Rifles

Introduction It has been an age since I have read the core Sharpe books – the ones that focus on the Peninsular Campaign rather than the Indian adventures of Sharpe or the filler books...

Entering Alt-History Mode!

  One of the features of the new version of Duty and Honour that I am the most thrilled about is the potential to finally create a game that can keep fans of historical...


#designgoals Ten years ago, I started the process of writing Duty & Honour. It was a very different time and if truth be told, I was a very different person. Gaming, in the intervening...