Omnihedron Games Blog

Once more unto the Peninsular

This has been a long time coming, but after a couple of alpha test runs out in the open at Contingency 2020, the full Duty & Honour Revised Edition (Second Edition, Waterloo Edition …...

Gaming Sharpe: Sharpe’s Enemy

Summary It’s December 1812 and Sharpe is tasked with the rescue of some important hostages who have been taken by a group of deserters. To make matters worse, one of the hostages in the...

Cheap Ass Counters

I have never been an enthusiastic buyer of miniatures. Sure, I have more than a few that seem to have come into my possession and before my eyesight dropped off a cliff I was...

Mind Your Language

“DCI Huntley has the right to be questioned by an officer at least one rank senior” Fans of the TV show Line of Duty will recognise that as the show’s de facto catchphrase and...

All Quiet on the Western Front?

It seems to have all gone quiet on the Omnihedron front, hasn’t it? Here’s a quick update on where I am with what, gaming-wise. Blogging: Is going to start again – as the higher education...